Monday, November 7, 2011

Week 9: Science Fiction becomes Science (“’Tractor Beams’ a reality” at NASA)

This week’s major technical find is on NASA’s development of a tractor beam a concept portrayed in Star Trek.
As the last class on IT&I approaches this week a summary re-examining some of the ideas & concepts strung throughout this weekly blog series that I’ve touched upon will be reflected on, i.e. Star Trek, Google TV, YouTube & other media; exploring the similarities of art & science. 
1-      Ethics has been a major part of IT&I and references to Star Trek as a positive use of technology versus the doom & gloom of typical B Sci-Fi movies led me to Captain James McKay’s book reviewof the, “The Ethics of Star Trek?” Captain McKay wrote his book review while serving in the Canadian Army’s Directorate of Army Training.
2-      While I am still getting aclamated to my Sony Google TV & the many features it provides, advances in technology are leading toward future upgrades.  See the following link for further details: .
3-      Use of YouTube in blogs is becoming a very popular methodology for sharing information with minimum text.  I’ve come to consider this to be a result of the many small hand held technical devices widely in use.  A new example of this can be found at the following website which I came across while researching new IT&I: .
4-      It appears, science and art/life have gone hand in hand in other media formats such as last week’s discovery on an innovative use of QR Code technology after reading a comic strip.  And is directly reflected in the links previously provided.  While I started out solely using technical websites for my blogs increasingly I began to incorporate other media sources & areas of research. One not yet mentioned, is a title of a book by the same name.  See the following for the video version versus text - .
My experiences in writing a weekly blog have had 2 effects.  First, I learned a lot about various technologies, their social uses and just how innovative people are on the “cutting edge of technology.”  Secondly, I learned how to share what I learned and like the tractor beam in Star Trek, supposedly how to draw people’s attention in to reading my weekly blog posts.  A review of this blog’s statistics indicates 126 page views since Week 1, with 1 comment have occurred.  I would like to thank everyone for reading & providing comments.  Whether I will continue remains to be determined.  Sincerely – CDamian (11-07-2011)

Addendum: It appears my absent mindedness & multiple calendars led me to write what I thought would be my final blog entry for the class.  In reviewing my records there will be at least one more.  Till next week – CDamian (11-08-11)

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