Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 2:

This week in class I learned about the following MIT website    Also I left the class disturbed after reading about chimeras & efforts to mix human cells with chimpanzee cells - .  I began to question the ethics of chimera research and whether I would devote this week’s blog toward a conservative view putting forth reasons why it is morally & ethically wrong for such research to be conducted.  However, while this course may raise the issues which I believe need to be publically debated, I’ve concluded this isn’t the appropriate forum in which to lead such a conversation and will share my discovery of new or emerging technology websites.
Shortly after class I received an email with a YouTube link on how empty soda bottles are being used in the Philippines to light the inside of low income homes.  I found this knowledge to be a pleasant diversion from the ethics of technology going awry.  Here low technology is actually doing some immediate good for mankind at a low cost; while I don’t have the original link the following provides an explanation of this emerging low tech solution - . 
While on YouTube I discovered other low tech solutions, in particular a host of them which referenced .  This week’s blog is about my discovering new technology websites & what is occurring beyond my own personnel experiences in the technology field.  There are the high-tech ideas occurring at the MIT website and there are the low tech practical use ideas at the eco-ideas website.  Does all technology have to show a return on investment (ROI) to be researched and developed?  I don’t have any immediate answers, only questions.  How can new & emerging technologies best be managed to avoid harmful outcomes?
In conclusion I would like to share one other low tech solution I one day hope to construct in my backyard.  It is about grilling chicken by using solar energy & can be found at  Enjoy – CDamian (09-19-2011)

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